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A Printing Blog is a Great Way to Stay Abreast of the Latest in the Printing Industry

A printing blog is a great way to keep up with the latest and greatest in the industry. Despite the slow growth and lack of consolidation over the past two decades, the industry is still an interesting one to be in. There are several notable blogs whose content can prove to be of value to the print aficionado. Whether you are looking for the latest trends, news and gossip or just want to know what’s happening in your corner of the printing world, a quick Google search should be all it takes to find the best. Here are just a few of the top rated sites.

This industry-specific site is dedicated to helping consumers find the best in printing and design. From high-quality printing to innovative end-devices, it offers everything you need for a stress-free experience. It also provides a plethora of tips and tricks to help you improve your printing efficiency and keep your printing budget in check.

The Printing Media Center is a trade association dedicated to the art and science of print. As the name suggests, it serves the industry’s top players by helping them to build better relationships with their clients. Some of its most notable achievements include PrintNow, a web-to-print application that is powered by an impressive suite of tools to make your business easier to run. In addition to showcasing the Printing Blog latest in print technology, it helps you stay abreast of industry news and trends through its daily newsletter and blog. Among its other accomplishments is the print-to-email solution, which makes it easy to send and receive high-quality documents by email.

Lastly, there’s the Printing Industry Alliance, which is an industry-specific association dedicated to helping printers and paper manufacturers in New York and New Jersey. Along with offering a wealth of information and resources, it provides industry connections and business support services.