Buckland Plants

Car Crash Representation

Whether you are recovering from serious injuries or facing hefty hospital bills after a car crash, your legal rights are under attack. An insurance company may attempt to place some or all of the blame for your accident on you, and this strategy is designed to get you to sell your rights for a fraction of what you deserve.

An experienced New York City car accident lawyer Car Crash Representation can guide you through the process of settling an insurance claim or filing a lawsuit. The right attorney will take time to listen to your concerns, meet with you in person and work closely with you to develop a sound legal strategy.

A good car accident attorney can assess your injuries and determine what compensation you need to recover from your losses. This includes your physical, emotional and financial damages, as well as any future medical needs that should be factored into the calculation of your compensation.

The right attorney can also help you navigate the often complex and confusing laws that govern car accidents. This is especially true in the state of New York, where different rules and statutes apply depending on your circumstances. Moreover, there are strict legal deadlines that you must meet to file a claim or risk losing your rights altogether.

When you choose an attorney, consider the reputation and record that he or she has established in the legal community and among past clients. Read client reviews and ask for referrals to get a sense of how the attorney has helped his or her clients.

During your consultation, be sure to bring all available accident reports that provide details about the accident. These reports often include police observations, citations issued and other information that establishes the accident’s cause. Also, bring any medical records that detail your injuries and treatment. The more detailed your documentation, the better.

The best car accident lawyers will be skilled negotiators and will fight for your rights to fair compensation. They will handle all communication with the insurance companies and prevent you from accidentally compromising your case by admitting fault or accepting an inadequate settlement offer. They will also be able to identify and obtain relevant evidence, including eyewitness statements, which can strengthen your case.